Alex Odom '16 with Coach Roberts and Coach Blalock |
Much of the reward of coaching at Grinnell College is the opportunity to meet amazing young people, the next generation of change-makers. Fortunately for me, that is not simply limited to the football or track athletes I coach, but rather that includes almost every student I come in contact with. Over the years we've been very fortunate to have great support and help for the football team, and one of those was Alex Odom, class of 2016. Alex was a filmer for us her sophomore and senior years, missing as a junior while she studied abroad as part of the Grinnell in London program. Shortly before graduation, Alex learned she would be returning to London, and Queen Mary University, as part of her Fulbright Scholarship. Alex will be studying history for a year in London, before returning to the states to pursue her PhD in history at the University of North Carolina. As I said, I'm fortunate enough to get to know our next generation of change-makers. I can't wait to see the things Alex will do with her PhD, and the impact she'll have. Read more about Alex below.
Congrats Alex!