Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In 2015 former Pioneer Charles Blake was elected to the State House of Representatives in Arkansas, representing District 36 in his hometown of Little Rock.  Charles and I were teammates for one year and I coached him for two seasons.  Always a great talker, when Blake was elected I figured the political arena would be a perfect for him.  Having gotten stuck next to him on a long bus trip to Ripon, WI, I can certainly attest to his willingness to share an opinion and to his abilities in a debate!  Charles enjoyed a fine career at Grinnell, both on the field and off, and has done well in his professional life thus far. 

I’m introducing you to Charles now because today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and for the first time the State of Arkansas will be celebrating only King today.  Since the ‘40’s, Arkansas has observed Robert E Lee Day in mid-January, and they began observing MLK Day as well.  In 1985 the state combined the two holidays, and they have observed them together since.  When Blake was elected as Representative in 2015, one of the first changes he pushed for was separating the two holidays.  It’s been a long battle, and at times he’s faced some serious opposition, but last March Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed legislation that ended the practice of honoring both on the same day.  According to AP reports, Hutchinson said the following, "I expected this debate would divide us, but instead during the debate we listened to each other and the conversation brought us together.  This is an education bill in which the discussion educated each of us, and we learned that history needs to be viewed not just from our own lens, but through the eyes and experiences of others."

I'm sure I'm not doing the story justice, but I'm excited for Blake's victory and for the shifting attitudes that it highlights.  Better days are ahead.  I'm proud to call Charles my teammate and I'm proud of the work he's doing.  We need more Pioneers like him!  Congrats Chuck!