Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internship at the Fiesta Bowl

Sophomore wide receiver, Mike McLeran, is a native of Phoenix, Arizona and just a couple weeks ago had the privilege of working at both the and Fiesta Bowl games as a media relations intern.

Here's Mike's experience, in his own words:

This winter break I helped out with Media Relations for the Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl. I worked in both Media Registration and Media Hospitality. In Media Registration I checked the media into their hotels. I would also give them their credentials so that they were allowed on the field and in the press box. I am still kicking myself for not working the day that Erin Andrews came in but I did get to meet her body guard, I guess that counts for something. I also gave the media the gifts that the and Fiesta Bowl provided for them. They gave nice backpacks to the media people and the Fiesta’s media received fancy Fossil watches engraved with the Fiesta Bowl logo. I also helped set up the stages for the press conferences that were held for the Boise State and TCU coaches and players.

Mike standing next to the Fiesta Bowl trophy

Watching a press conference first hand is a truly amazing experience. It was really cool to see how a press conference is run and handled in person because you only get to see a blurb on TV when really the players and coaches talk for 15 to 30 minutes about all kinds of things. Also when security was distracted by the press conference I got my picture taken next to the Fiesta Bowl trophy, which is valued at 1.5 million dollars and would take about three beastly men to carry.

For the Media Hospitality part the and Fiesta Bowl rented a suite at the hotel which was bigger than my house. Here the media would come to hang out and relax. I helped set this suite up and in order to get it ready for the media we unloaded trucks of Frito O'Lay chips, Tostitos dip, booze, and other beverages that filled two bedrooms to the ceiling. From all the free chips I probably gained about 30 pounds. Besides all the free food and drinks the suite also had tons of TVs, arcade games, two fire places, a heated pool, and poker tables. My job in the hospitality suite was to entertain and talk to the media and make sure they had everything they needed, such as food and drinks, but it was mostly just me hanging out talking sports with them. I met tons of great people and it was truly one of the best experiences I have ever had. They treated me outstanding and gave me free tickets to pretty much any event that I wanted to go to. I am looking forward to doing it again next year and the possibility of getting a game day assignment where I would be down on the field or in the press box.

This experience gave me an inside look at what has to be done to put on an event of this size and I can confidently say the and Fiesta Bowl staff does a phenomenal job. Happy New Year and God Bless.